RGB Item and Player Names
Some of our free ranks and our donor ranks give players access to RGB naming commands. With these commands, you can change your display name in chat, or the name of the item you're holding.
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Some of our free ranks and our donor ranks give players access to RGB naming commands. With these commands, you can change your display name in chat, or the name of the item you're holding.
Last updated
/itemname <name> (alias: /iname) - Changes the name of the item you're holding.
/nickname <name> (alias: /nick) - Changes your display name in chat.
Single colors for a name can be added using Minecraft's HTML color codes, which can be found here:
In this example, an oak log was renamed to "Test" with the red HTML color code "&c":
Alternatively, you can change a name to include a gradient using RGB birdflop. The site can be found here:
Additionally, items can be displayed in chat by simply holding the item in your hand, and typing [item] or [i] in chat.
Shulker boxes can be displayed in chat as well. Players can click on them to view whats inside.
On top of that, you can also display your own inventory in chat using [inventory].
Alternatives to RGB Birdflop
If RGB Birdflop is not working for you, be sure to check out an alternative link: