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Last updated
/farm menu - opens the pyrofarming menu
/farm market - displays seeds and bushes available for purchase
/farm shop - opens the gui to sell crop
/farm codex - displays the selection of crops available in the plugin
/farm elysium - displays your current amount of elysium
How to Start
Create a growstation by crafting a flower pot with three bricks and surrounding it with eight wheat seeds.
Place anywhere and fill it with water using a water bucket. The growstation will tell you when it’s filled. NOTE: Using an infinite water bucket does not work and the bucket will no longer be infinite.
Then you can open the growstation GUI by right-clicking to view the temperature, environment, or water level. You can plant seeds purchased in /farm market through the growstation GUI or by shift + right-clicking on the growstation with the seed in hand. Make sure the temperature and environment of the seed matches with the temperature and environment of the pot otherwise the crop will not grow.
Once the crop has fully grown, you will be notified in chat and can harvest the crop by right-clicking the growstation, then right-clicking the center slot to harvest. Crops that produce multiple items will put them in the growstation inventory - the chest icon at the center bottom of the GUI. You can sell the crops using /farm shop or keep them for future craftables.
Bushes can be bought through the farm market and placed in the world as a block of leaves. Bushes do not need to be watered and have no required environment or temperature. They will produce an item in the form of a head on top the block every so often as stated by the harvest time in the information. The timer will start as soon as the block is placed and restart once the item is harvested. Bushes will not continue producing items once one has already grown, requiring you to harvest them before they start producing again. There is no need to continuously replant bushes like with growstation crops.
They can be moved by simply digging them with your hand and placing them somewhere else, restarting the harvest timer. Items can also be harvested by destroying the leaf block but please note this gives you no XP or elysium.
Crop Environment
Each seed available for purchase will display its desired environment and temperature for growing.
Possible environments are:
Any - This crop can be grown in any dimension.
Overworld - This crop will only grow when placed in the overworld.
Nether - This crop will only grow when placed in the nether.
End - This crop will only grow when placed in the end.
This can be changed with custom items (reference the custom items section)
Crop Temperature
Temperature can vary depending on the biome the growstation is located in. For example, a taiga can be labeled a ‘normal’ temperature while a savanna is ‘hot’. Temperature is rated on a scale of -3 to +3.
Glacial (-3)
Freezing (-2)
Cold (-1)
Normal (0)
Warm (1)
Hot (2)
Boiling (3)
Each biome’s temperature is as follows:
Boiling Biomes - All Nether Biomes
Hot Biomes - Badlands, Desert, Savanna, Jungle
Warm Biomes - Beach, River, Plains, Mushroom Island, Meadow, Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Swamp, Cherry Grove, Mangrove Swamp, The End, All Oceans (with the exception of Frozen Ocean, Deep Frozen Ocean is still considered warm)
Normal Biomes - Taiga, Stony Shore, Mega Taiga
Cold Biomes - Windswept Hills, Gravel Windswept Hills
Freezing Biomes - Snowy Plains, Ice Spikes, Snowy Beach, Frozen Ocean
Glacial Biomes - Jagged Peaks, Icy Peaks, Snowy Slopes, Grove, Snowy Taiga
Crop Temperament
Crops can have one of three temperaments:
Friendly - Attack no players or passive mobs such as cows, sheep or pigs
Normal - Attack anything apart from players
Aggressive - Attack anything including players
Normal and Aggressive crops will attack mobs and players by inflicting negative potion effects when standing on or near them. There is currently no way to change the temperament of crops.
Skill Tree
Skill trees can be unlocked at PyroFarming level 7 and are crafted with 4 tomatoes, 4 lettuce, and 1 lectern. You can place the lectern to and right-click it to open up the skill archive. In here, you will find various upgrades such as increased XP, increased elysium, water tank storage, rain fill, and the ability to craft more growstations or plant more bushes. You can also enhance vanilla farming by clicking the book icon in the bottom left of the skill archive to change which category you’d like to upgrade. All skills and upgrades are purchased using elysium.
Skill trees can be crafted by surrounding a lectern with tomatos and lettuce in the pattern below.
Economy and XP
PyroFarming currency comes in the form of elysium. This is used to purchase upgrades through the skill tree. You can earn elysium by harvesting crops via the growstation or from bushes. Experience is also gained by simply harvesting crops. Each crop will display the general amount of XP you can receive in the information section of the seed or bush.
Custom Items
There are 12 craftable custom items available in PyroFarming. To access these, craft a composter, place it, and right click it with a hoe. This will open the custom items GUI.
Here you will find placeable heads used to change the temperature, environment, or growth speed of your crops. They are level based and craftable using crops from seeds you unlock as you level up as well as vanilla items. The custom items are as follows:
Lava Lamp (level 25) - Increases the temperature by +1 in a range of 5 blocks.
Pyrotheum Orb (level 40) - Increases the temperature by +3 in the range of 4 blocks.
Heart of Belphegor (level 55) - Increases the temperature of +5 in the range of 3 blocks.
Industrial Fan (level 25) - Decreases the temperature by -1 in the range of 5 blocks
Subzero Wisp (level 40) - Decreases the temperature by -3 in the range of 4 blocks.
Vessel of Boreas (level 55) - Decreases the temperature by -5 in the range of 3 blocks.
Growth Speed
Basic Water Golem (level 30) - Increases growth speed by 4% in a range of 10 blocks.
Intermediate Water Golem (level 50) - Increases growth speed by 8% in a range of 10 blocks.
Advanced Water Golem (level 70) - Increases growth speed by 12% in a range of 10 blocks.
Overworld Orb (level 50) - Crops in a 5 block range will have the overworld attribute.
Nether Orb (level 50) - Crops in a 5 block range will have the nether attribute.
End Orb (level 50) - Crops in a 5 block range will have the end attribute.