How do I make money?

On this server, we offer a multitude of different ways to make money. Including:

  • Jobs -> /jobs browse

-> There multiple different jobs to choose from, and you can have a maximum of 3 jobs total. If you're just starting off, it's recommended that you take up the Hunter, Explorer and Miner jobs first. As you progress through the PyroFarming, PyroMining, and PyroFishing plugins, you may want to swap out Hunter and Explorer for Farmer and Fisherman.

  • Daily Quests -> /dailyquests

-> Every day, you get a set of 3 random quests. Rewards range from claimblocks to money (for up to $500).

  • Auction House -> /ah

-> Selling or auctioning off valuable items in the auction house to other players is a great way to make money! To list an item, hold it in your hand, then type /ah sell to list it on the auction house. If you're just looking to SELL an item for a fixed price, the item will be listed for up to 24 hours. Items you list for bids will stay in the auction house for 7 days. All expired item listings can be found within the collection box (ender chest icon).

  • Gambling (responsibly) -> /casino

-> You can try your luck with our gambling plugin to earn money! Each minigame in the casino can either be single player, or multiplayer (Poker, Blackjack, etc.).

  • Stocks -> /stocks

-> You can also try purchasing stocks and selling your shares for a profit! Our stock system uses a real-life stock API, and prices will fluctuate accordingly.

  • Player Shops and Player Warps -> /qs and /pw

-> Hold an item, look at a chest, then type /qs create buy/sell <price> -> Ideally, you'd only want to have player shops at a given warp you've created. Each warp costs $20,000, with a $500 daily rent fee. To create a warp at a location, type /pw set <name>. You can customize the icon for the warp, the name of the warp, and its description. You can also remove warps to receive your $20,000 back.

  • PyroFarming, PyroMining, and PyroFishing

-> View our other pages for more details!

Last updated