Similar to PyroFishing, PyroMining enhances the vanilla mining experience by adding custom items and enchantments, custom minibosses, and more!
Helpful Commands
/mine or /mine menu - Opens the PyroMining GUI menu
/mine shop - Allows you to sell specific items for money
/mine journal - Opens a menu that provides a lot of helpful information on different parts of the plugin
/mine help - Shows a list of all available commands
/mine stats - View your PyroMining stats
/mine zeta - View your Zeta balance (similar to entropy, zeta is this plugin’s currency)
/mine artifacts - Open the artifacts GUI menu. Allows you to identify artifacts and fossils.
/mine vessels - Opens the vessel GUI menu to check progress
How to start
To start using this plugin, just mine ores! Any pickaxe will work, but adding enchants (and eventually the plugin’s custom enchants - called vessels) will improve your finds!
Zeta is this plugin’s form of currency. It is mainly earned by mining ores.
Custom Drops
Mining ores will occasionally drop custom items. These drops can be sold in /mine shop, but some are better to hold onto.
Fluxes don’t have any other use besides being sold.
Gemstones can be increased to a higher value with a risk of lowering the value by simply right clicking with the item in hand. This is similar to fish gutting in PyroFishing, where it is risky to do, but has a chance to increase the sell price of the gemstone. Afterwards the gemstone won’t have any value and can be sold in /mine shop.
Coal Ore
Redstone Ore
Lapis Ore
Quartz Ore
Emerald Ore
Tiger’s Eye
Diamond Ore
Mysterious dust is dropped from mining ores of any kind as well as from identified artifacts. When refined in a refinery, the dust could give you nothing, a single item, or a couple items. The higher your PyroMining level is the higher chance you have of obtaining better drops from refining mysterious dust.
Artifacts can be found whilst mining with a 1% drop rate and they hold most of the items needed to progress with upgrades. They drop as sealed artifacts, right clicking will unseal them; you must unseal artifacts before being able to do anything else with them. Once unsealed you can either sell it or place it in the /mine artifacts menu to later collect possible rewards. Artifacts also have different tiers, each correlating with how easily they are obtained, the quality of rewards and how long it takes to identify them. Artifacts are a must to obtain fossils, which are necessary to craft Vessels.
Basic (I)
Time: 20 min
Unusual (II)
Time: 40 min
Epic (III)
Time: 60 min
Exceptional (IV)
Time: 90 min
Legendary (V)
Time: 120 min
Fabled (VI)
Time: 160 min
Mythic (VII)
Time: 200 min
Celestial (VIII)
Time 240 min
Divine (IX)
Time: 280 min
Artifact Upgrades can be viewed in-game by typing /mine artifacts by hovering over the items at the bottom of the GUI. You can improve artifact identification by purchasing these upgrades.
Reduces artifact identification time by 1% per level
Reduces fossil identification time by 1 min per level
Increases chance to find fossils from artifacts
Lucky Charm
Increases chance to get loot from artifacts
Final Whisper
Increases chance to find Requium Orbs from artifacts
The Refinery is a custom machine made out of two blocks, a dropper and an oak fence. This machine is a must in your journey of PyroMining. It is used to process mysterious dust into usable items and can also be used to craft vessels out of identified fossils. To build said machine, place your dropper facing upwards and put the oak fence on top of it. To use a refinery properly you must fill all 9 slots inside the dropper with your mysterious dust or with your set of 8 identified fossils. After that simply right click the fence. If you refined mysterious dust, the possible drops will appear in your inventory or besides you if your inventory is full. If you’re crafting a vessel the vessel item will drop next to the refinery after some mechanical noises.
Fossils are only found in artifacts and take an hour to identify. These fossils come in three different creatures consisting of dragon, manticore, and phoenix. Within there are 12 different named creatures, meaning there are 12 different vessels to be crafted. There are 8 separate parts belonging to a creature; skull, arm, spine, tail, rib, wing, foot, and leg. Once a player obtains a whole set of fossils they will be allowed to craft a vessel item in a refinery with a cost of Zeta and the need of a specific PyroMining level.
-> Additionally, one vessel, namely the Variants' Wrath vessel, is also available from October 22 - November 6, and is obtained via a different means. This vessel in particular makes it easier to find artifacts and other custom items at lower depths. During this period, a special mob called a "Variant" will appear as you mine at Y = 50 and below, and if you damage it enough, it will drop a custom prismarine shard item. This mob has a 2% chance of spawning, with a 30 minute cooldown between each appearance. Once you collect 10 of those prismarine shard items, you can right click on them while holding them in your hand to be "marked" by a variant. The next time you encounter a variant, you will be able to kill it fully, and potentially receive this vessel as a reward. Alternatively, you can receive this vessel from our PyroMining Crate if you're lucky. ;)
Vessels are a huge part of this plugin as they are custom enchantments for your pickaxes. After crafting a vessel item with a refinery you can drag the vessel item onto your pickaxe through your inventory. However it is not that simple, it is only the beginning.
Progression of the vessel is a long tough road for the vessel to become a proper enchantment. You can only have one vessel progression applied to your pickaxe, meaning you cannot work on more than one at the same time nor can you stack the vessels. Throughout the progression use your pickaxe as you normally would, only with the chance of possibly dying to a boss. Although the spawn chance is extremely low - 1% - you should still be careful as they are made to be difficult. Besides the vessel boss possibly spawning there is also a chance for another custom creature to spawn, being Thralls. Having the body and health of a silverfish, these Thralls can spawn from the ores you mine. Killing them grants you Requium XP, also known as anger, for your vessel progression.
Requium Orbs found in tier III or higher artifacts are needed to defeat vessel bosses. For each boss you need 3 specific orbs out of the 12 different orbs. Figuring out which orbs are needed can be done with some simple
Singularity points can be obtained by killing Rune Guardians, which you can then use towards small but helpful upgrades. The type of runes needed to obtain singularity points is shown in /mine singularity, and is different for every player.
Rune Guardians are minibosses that may or may not drop runes for you. These minibosses don’t just spawn on their own, a player has to spawn it with a block of raw redstone ore and 1 or 3 rune dust. Each guardian has their own special abilities according to which type they are, of which there are 7; water, nature, ground, fairy, lightning, ghost, and fire.
Rune Dust is obtained from refining mysterious dust or by identifying artifacts.
Oracles, similar to Rune Guardians are minibosses however very increasingly more difficult. They drop very useful items that can make PyroMining just a little more easier. However to summon an Oracle, you must be level 40 or higher in PyroMining.
Oracleite is given to a player uncharged through refining mysterious dust after reaching level 20 in PyroMining. An uncharged oracleite needs to receive 35 charges before it can become properly charged. To charge it you must mine 35 diamond ore blocks with the oracleite in your offhand. Once charged you can use the oracleite to spawn the first of three different oracles by right clicking an emerald ore block. After killed the oracle will always drop the rune needed to spawn the second one. Since there are MANY fossils and requium orbs to keep track of, we offer our players a nice, convenient spreadsheet to download and use. Check out the link here:
Last updated